vachanamrit suvakyo


Ghanshyam Charitra
Lesson 15

Laxmiji Came to Play

Hereafter, Bhaktimata was teaching Ghanshyam how to walk. She led him here and there by letting him grip her finger. He began to walk when supported by her finger. One day, Bhaktimata went outside walking with Ghanshyam. Then she remembered something she had to do so she went inside leaving Ghanshyam there all alone, smiling and starting at the sky.

Meanwhile Laxmiji was passing across the sky. She saw Ghanshyam all alone outside. So she told her friend, "Look, today we habe a good opportunity to play with Ghanshyam since he is all alone." In no time she formerly made up a plan and said to her friend, "You should turn in the form of a sparrow and sit at the door of Dharmadev's house in front of Ghanshyam. Don't fly until he comes to catch you and when he is just about to, fly away quickly. Then sit nearby and make him keep running after you. I will see you playing with him by standing behind the wall.

Ghanshyam was still sitting down. A sparrow soon came there flying and sat at the door, where he could easily see it. He looked at it. He prolonged his arms and grabbled it. It perplexity fluttered its wings but his grip was too tight to escape from. When it felt that there was no way it could escape, it shrilled loudly.

Bhaktimata arrived soon as saw what was happening. She became sensitive for if a sparrow strikes Ghansham with its sharp beak, Ghanshyam might bleed. Therefore, she got it freed from his grip. But suddenly, two ladies appeard there and bowed to him with folded hands and humbly one of them entereated him. "O God! forgive me. I was ordered by Laxmiji to do so. I wanted to play with you and she intended to watch you playing. I am very sorry that my pecking has struck your tender hand. Bhaktimata was massaging his hand softly. He was pleased by jer supplication. He, after getting his hands released from to give chance ofr his service. God told her, "See me in Kathiya was. I will accept you. Hearing this boon, she became glad flew away in the sky.

Exercise 1:
Answer the following questions.
  1. Who desired to play with Ghanshyam?
  2. What plan did Laximiji make?
  3. In whose grip was the sparrow?
  4. How many ladies came there?
  5. What did laxmiji request from Ghanshyam?


